11 Mayıs 2010 Salı


Republican People’s Party leader, Deniz Baykal, Press conference at 13.30 on the sex scandal in which the leader allegedly had an affair with fellow MP Nesrin Baytok.
denizbaykal Baykal has announced that he has resigned as head of the Republican People’s Party leader.

Leader of the Republican People’s Party, Deniz Baykal has announced that he has resigned from his post which has shocked Turkish politics.

The 71-year-old politician was visibly upset in the press conference and said “This is a conspiracy which is formed to not only attack me but the Republican People’s Party (CHP)”

Baykal has thanked the support which he has received within the Republican People’s Party and by the public and has also thanks people in the United States who have sent him the support.

Is this support from a body, co-operation or from Fethullah Gulen who one of the most prominent religious leaders in Turkey who is currently in Pennsylvania, United States?

We do not know the answer of this question as the former Republican People’s Party (CHP) leader spoke in a clear manner.

Deniz Baykal has announced that the Video tape which has gone viral in many video sharing sites and has had an explosive effect both politically and to the general public has said “This is a conspiracy which has evolved in the past two weeks….”

“This is an attack on the Republican People’s Party (CHP).”

Baykal has also used language blaming the current government on the attacks on the private life of the former CHP leader.

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